How to give a wedding toast if you’re shy

Public speaking is America’s biggest phobia, according to a survey. So how do you give a wedding toast if you’re shy?

Public speaking is America’s biggest phobia, according to a survey on American Fears conducted by Chapman University. So how do you give a wedding toast if you’re shy? After all, one out of four of your neighbors are terrified of getting up before a crowd and talking. It’s not as hard as you think. Here…

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The history of wedding vows

The history of wedding vows for English speaking countries have origins in medieval times. You’ve most likely heard this vintage vow from the Anglican church: “I [bride/groom] take you, [bride/groom] to be my [wife/husband], to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in…

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Eloping is a mistake

eloping is a mistake

Some couples want to avoid family dramas. Some want to save money. And some seek a more intimate experience. Yes, there may be circumstances when eloping makes sense. But for most couples, eloping is a mistake. Weddings are meant to be shared. It’s a public presentation of your marriage vow before your community before entering…

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How could one singer create so many beautiful wedding songs?

Nat King Cole wedding songs

Nat King Cole wedding songs are one-of-a-kind. No one else has that rare blend of a pitch-perfect baritone voice that soothes the soul with impeccable phrasing. We touched upon his greatness in last week’s blogpost, “The King of the Wedding Song.” When I Fall in Love Nat requires a second blogpost to further explore the…

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