Should an Irish blessing be a part of your wedding day?

Irish blessing

An Irish blessing transcends your tribe. These blessings express the depth of the human condition with such sweetness, soul, and wit that couples throughout the world embrace them on their wedding day. An Irish Blessing resonates with the non-religious as well as people of faith. They are soulful, without necessarily invoking God, although He is…

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Let’s Face the Music and Dance

Let's Face the Music and Dance

Traditional wedding vows pledge fidelity for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, and in sickness and in health. They acknowledge that life presents us with bumps in the road. But the bumps are so much more manageable when two are bound together by love and share the journey. No wedding love song better expresses…

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Your wedding day schedule makes or breaks your celebration

wedding day schedule

Couples get hung up on wedding details. How many flowers do we need? Will they like our wedding favors? Please don’t let the chicken fricassee be dry! And yet it’s the actual wedding day schedule that matters more to your wedding guests than these secondary details. Don’t get us wrong: these secondary details are important…

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Why grooms carry brides over the threshold … and why they shouldn’t!

carrying the bride across the threshold Weddings abound with rich, and sometimes odd, traditions. One of the oddest is the notion that grooms should carry brides over the threshold. According to the book “Marriage Customs of the World,” the tradition hearkens back the 7th century B.C. when ancient Rome was founded by Romulus. The city needed to grow their population,…

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