Posts by fivestarentertainment
Best Bee Gees love songs for weddings
The recent wedding movie, “You’re Cordially Invited,” put the Bee Gees back in the spotlight with its use of the 1983 hit song, “Islands in the Stream.” A lot of younger readers of this wedding blog may not be aware of the enormous popularity of this band, and the power of Bee Gees love songs.…
Read MoreHow to give an instant wedding toast
It doesn’t happen often, but it happens. You’re asked to give a wedding toast on the spot. No notice. No preparation. No rehearsal. A mic is thrust in your hand and you’re expected to bring down the house with your instant wedding toast. Mark Twain had a funny take on such a situation: “It usually…
Read MoreIslands in the Stream
The latest wedding movie to stream on Amazon this season is, “You’re Cordially Invited.” It stars the always fun Will Ferrell and Reese Witherspoon. Perhaps the best part of the movie was the use of the Bee Gees’ 1983 hit song, “Islands in the Stream,” as originally sung by Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton. The…
Read MoreWill Ferrell won’t attend your wedding if you do these 2 things
Actors Will Ferrell and Reese Witherspoon have a new wedding movie coming out called, “You’re Cordially Invited.” Will Ferrell’s wedding no-no’s were revealed on his promotional tour for the movie (above). Ferrell claimed that if he could have things his way, he’d ban cash bars. Hmmm … we think many readers of this blog may…
Read MoreDie With a Smile
Songwriters write fewer love songs these days. Many that purport to be ‘love’ songs are in fact ‘lust’ songs that objectify women. That’s why this blog was delighted with the release of “Die With a Smile” (above) by Bruno Mars and Lady Gaga. The catchy melody and vocals are mere vehicles to carry the lovely…
Read MoreAnother mother/daughter wedding conflict
Why are mother/daughter wedding conflicts so common? It usually comes down to control. Sometimes the mom wants the daughter to have the wedding she never had. So she throws her weight (pocketbook) around until she gets her way. That, in turn, makes the daughter want to push back all the more. Sometimes the daughter exercises…
Read MoreHow to wrap up a wedding toast with flair
This blog has explored at length techniques for giving a memorable wedding toast with flair. You’ve read on these pages to keep it concise, just a few minutes in length. You’ve read that if you make ‘em laugh and cry, you’ve done your job. But we haven’t really provided you with zinger closing lines other…
Read MoreWeddings aren’t rocket science
Martha Stewart is a trend identifier and a trend setter when it comes to weddings. This blog is quick to acknowledge her acumen on all things weddings. Her design and theme ideas are quite creative. BUT … we’d like to make the case to readers of this blog that creating memorable weddings isn’t exactly rocket…
Read MoreBring back thank-you notes
Southern Living Magazine has readers with strong opinions on weddings. They don’t like receiving lines. They don’t want gifts brought to the reception. They don’t like rigid protocols on who pays for the wedding. But something they wish would make a comeback are thank-you notes. This is the #1 sticking point they have about this…
Read MoreHow to defeat wedding envy
Let’s say your brother is getting married three months ahead of you. Let’s say his fiancé (your future sister-in-law) is rich, and let’s say you’re not. It’s kind of hard not to succumb to wedding envy when you’re concerned the two weddings are going to be compared. That’s the dilemma a young bride-to-be presents to…
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