Dancing for Dummies

dancing for dummies

God didn’t create all dancers equally. Some of us have natural rhythm. Some of us don’t. For those who don’t, you can’t avoid the dance floor forever, especially when it’s your wedding day. We found a nice video tutorial that makes dancing for dummies (no disrespect intended) easy: We’ve covered the subject in the past…

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Consider Broadway songs for your first dance

Broadway songs

Music is a wonderful thing. Contemporary couples have access to a staggering library of enticing songs for their first wedding dance. Sometimes we forget that certain categories of songs offer tremendous options, such as great Broadway songs. If you’re looking for passion, try a Stephen Sondheim song from his aptly named 1994 musical, “Passion.” The…

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The difference between Princess Di’s wedding and yours

Princess Di’s wedding

Princess Diana is back in the news, even though she died more than two decades ago. Netflix created a wildly popular series called “The Crown,” and Princess Di’s wedding to Prince Charles is one of the plot lines in season four. Let’s face it, Princess Diana has hardly ever been out of the news since…

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How to set your wedding entertainment budget

wedding entertainment budger

Budgeting is tricky. If you spend too much on one wedding service at the expense of another, your event will be out of balance. For example, if you provide a lavish meal, but no entertainment, everyone will be bored by the time they finish dessert. Your wedding entertainment budget needs careful consideration. Wedding celebrations should…

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How to give a long-winded wedding toast

long-winded wedding toast

Have you ever attended a wedding where the toast went on and on and on? Most of us have. It is painful to watch. So how do you give a long-winded wedding toast? You don’t. They’re hard to pull off. Believe me, you never want to flub a toast, because as Paul Dickson said in…

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Spotify’s odd list of upbeat first dance songs

upbeat first dance songs

Spotify features an interesting list of upbeat first dance songs compiled by Bridal Musings. The list features some lively first dance songs we’ve blogged on in the past. But it also includes a rather odd choice, odd because of the subject matter of the lyrics. #1 on the list is Marvin Gaye’s timeless, “How Sweet…

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How to plan a cheap wedding without scrimping on quality

cheap wedding

Weddings are expensive because they matter. They are your opportunity to witness your lifelong commitment to the love of your life. It is your community’s opportunity to come together in support and celebration of this commitment. So is a cheap wedding ever a good idea? Yes, if you define cheap as affordable. You should always…

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Pros and Cons of a tented wedding

tented wedding

The pandemic required creative thinking when planning weddings. We know that people need human contact, and that weddings are the best way to fulfill that need. That’s why tented weddings gained in popularity in the post-pandemic era. Let’s examine the pro and cons. PRO: Outdoor events are safer. Multiple studies confirm that it is much…

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How to buy an ugly wedding dress

ugly wedding dress

What an odd idea! Why would anyone want to buy an ugly wedding dress for their Fayetteville wedding celebration? Obviously, they wouldn’t, and yet many brides do. Why? Because they are misled into following the lead of their favorite celebrities. Some brides let a celebrity’s status sway them more than their sense of style. Take…

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Weddings return to normal

weddings return to normal

The COVID pandemic of 2020 disrupted wedding plans from coast-to-coast. The Knot’s 2021 Real Weddings Study revealed that weddings were returning to normal. According to The Knot: “… less than 5% of couples in 2021 had to push their reception to 2022 or beyond and only 1% canceled their reception altogether due to COVID-19 (which was…

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